georgia.txt Fantasy # 35 Arrested in Georgia _________________________________________________________________ Day three of the vacation was perfect driving weather. The family had been making their way slowly southward from the Canadian border and so far the trip had been perfect. Today's drive would take them almost to their goal in Florida. For today, however, Katherine and her teenage daughter Kelly were just enjoying the ride. This was very different from Katherine's normal pace of life. She was her late 30's and a very busy executive in the advertising business. Katherine was a striking woman. She was often mistaken to be in her mid-twenties and she liked to dress the part. Today she was wearing a skirt and a loose cotton shirt that she had unbuttoned completely and had tied in a knot below her breasts. Her husband John loved her this way, she knew. The family was usually very casual about a dress code and it wasn't unusual for any one of them to be wandering around the house naked. Still, dressing this way was more provocative than usual but "What the heck.", she thought, "This is vacation!" Kelly had just started her spring break from school. She was a seventeen year old senior who would be in college next year. Kelly was quickly maturing into a young woman and neither of her parents had failed to notice. Her figure was a perfect 34-24-34 and her pert little "B" Cups were topped with thick brown nipples. Kelly seemed to be in a constant state of arousal and both her parents knew that she was no longer a virgin. Sex discussed quite openly in the family. In fact, it was the topic of today's conversation in the car. "C'mom Mom", said Kelly, "What's the kinkiest stuff that you and dad do?" Katherine was surprised to feel herself blush at the question. "C'mom Mom.", taunted her daughter, "'Fess up." "Oh God!", said Katherine, "O.K. young lady, you asked for it! Your father and I like mostly to play at bondage games." "OOOoooo", said Kelly, sitting forward on her seat, "Really?" "Yes, really.", said Katherine, still embarrassed. "He ties me up and teases me and sometimes he blindfolds me.", she sighed, "I guess I really like being submissive to your dad." Kelly's eyes went wide as she listened to her mother's confession. "Wow!", she breathed, "What does he do to you when you're tied up?" "Kelly!", exclaimed her mother. "Please, mom. I want to know." "Alright said Katherine, "He pinches my nips and he usually licks me while I'm helpless. He likes touching my behind while I'm tied so I can usually expect to be spanked just like you are when you're bad. And he often puts something into my bottom." "MMMmmmmmm", murmured Kelly smiling. Katherine was now blushing furiously as she told her daughter how being helpless really turned her on. Finally Katherine decided to turn the tables. "What about you Kelly?", she asked, "What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?" Now it was Kelly's turn to blush as she realized that she would have to tell. "Welllll", she said, "Once when I was at Bobby's place and his parents weren't there, we started to fool around and we were just about to do it when Bobby's friend Frank came over. We pulled our clothes together and Frank came in. God, I was sooooo hot! Anyway, Frank could easily see that we had been fooling around. Bobby grinned at Frank. "Hey Frank", he said, "Do you want to see a little more of Kelly?" Frank grinned back, "Sure." Bobby reached over and pulled me close to him. He turned me around so my back was to him and then he pulled my hands up until they were behind my head. I was really helpless. Frank was looking at my stretched body and I felt vulnerable in front of him. Bobby must have made some kind of sign to him because all of a sudden, Frank moved forward and started unbuttoning my blouse. I started to struggle but Bobby had me firmly secured. I wasn't wearing a bra and my breasts started to come into view. Frank was watching carefully as my blouse slowly opened complete. My blouse was taken off and they both got to feel my boobies. Frank pinched my nipples and I was so hot I thought I was going to come right there! Anyway, they made me go topless the whole night. It was pretty great and later, when Bobby and I were alone, it was wild! He made me strip and get into all kinds of erotic poses for him. He said that next time he's going to take pictures of me. Katherine was feeling a little warm herself. Kelly's story had definitely turned her on. She could feel her own juices flowing between her legs. All of a sudden there was a sound behind the car. Katherine looked in the rear view mirror. There was a police car there! The red and blue lights were happily turning around and she knew that they were for her. Katherine looked down at the speedometer and sure enough she was speeding! "Shit", she said. She had gotten so caught up in Kelly's story that she hadn't noticed that she was now doing 70mph! Katherine slowed down and drifted off to the side as the Georgia State Trooper pulled in behind her. Katherine found herself a little nervous as she waited for the police officer to walk up to the car. Prepared as she was, the tone of the cop was unexpected as she lowered her window. "Get out of the car Ma'am", said the burly cop. Katherine shook her head in disbelief at the rude tone of the officer. She opened the door and slowly got out. "License!" barked the cop. Katherine slowly opened her wallet to hand over her license. The police officer was leering at Katherine as he looked at Kelly in the passenger seat. "So darlin'", he drawled, "Y'all are going to have to come down to the police station about your speeding fine." "Just a minute.", said Katherine, "Don't you just write me a ticket and send me on my way?" "'Fraid not Ma'am. New rules says you gotta come down to the station so the judge can determine how much your fine should be." "Well that's just not fair.", said Katherine, starting to raise her voice. "You can write me a fine if you like but I'm not going to take the rest of my day to pay a silly speeding ticket!" Ma'am you can come quietly or I'll have to arrest you. Now get into the police cruiser." "I won't do it I tell you.", said Katherine. The next thing she knew, Katherine was facing her car and had been pushed over the trunk. "Hey!", she shouted as the officer slipped handcuffs onto her wrists. By now Kelly, frightened for her mother had come out of the car. "What are you doing?" she cried. "Now you just stay out of this Missy.", said the cop. "OK Ma'am, you're under arrest. I'll have to search you now before you're put into the police car. Just stand still." The cop's rough hands slid up Katherine's thighs despite her protests and continued until her white cotton panties. Katherine held her breath. The thick fingers slid into the elastic of the panties and up along her wet slit. "Mmmmm", said the cop. Kelly was shocked. She couldn't believe this was happening. When the policeman's hands slipped into the front of her mother's shirt to pinch her already hard nipples she leapt at the cop, jumping on his back. The tough Georgia cop was much stronger than either of the woman and in another moment, Kelly found herself handcuffed just like her mother. "Well, well" said the cop, "Time for your search Missy." his hands moved slowly up Kelly's skirt and slipped higher and higher. Kelly was mortified. She knew that in a moment the hands would be high enough to discover that she was wearing no panties at all. The strong hands of the policeman spread Kelly's thighs apart as he moved higher. As she expected, his hands found her hot and wet pussy completely exposed. Kelly gasped as his thick finger slid along her wet slit. The hands left her thighs and a moment later she felt them move under her T-Shirt to find her budding breasts. The nipples were hard and despite herself Kelly moaned as he pinched them. "Ok you two into the car now." said the cop. Neither of the two women said anything during the ten minute drive to the police station. They were hustled into the building in short order and brought to a bench outside an office. "Wait here" said the cop. Another ten minutes passed by waiting. Their wrists were still held by the handcuffs. An officer came up to them then and brought them into an office. They were brought in front of the desk of another officer. This one seemed to be in charge. He looked up at Katherine first. "Well Ma'am, I don't suppose you realize just how much trouble you're in here." he said. "This is outrageous!" started Katherine but she was quickly cut off. "Just a minute!" said the cop, "I've got you down here for reckless driving and resisting arrest and that alone could put you in jail for 6 months so you just mind your manners." Katherine shut up as though a bucket of water had been thrown on her. "Now then.", said the cop, "You'll be staying in our own jail overnight and the judge will see you in the morning. But you'd best mind your manners because I can tell you that the officers her aren't likely to take kindly to you putting up a ruckus. They've been known to put a young lady over their knee for being impolite so watch yourself. This officer here will bring you to the detention cells." Katherine was about to protest again but one look from the policeman and she though the better of it. The judge would let them go soon enough, she figured. The younger officer brought them out of the office and along a corridor. In front of a locked door, he told Kelly to wait on the bench. Katherine was brought into the room where there was a table and a chair. "Take off all your clothes.", said the young cop. Katherine looked up wide-eyed. "Ma'am, you can do it yourself, or I'll call a couple of strong armed policemen to do it for you." Hesitantly Katherine reached up for the remaining buttons on her shirt. Given the few clothes she was wearing, it did not take long until she was naked. Her hands reflexively covered her naked breasts and pussy. "Turn around and bend over the table." said the cop. Nervously, Katherine did as she was asked. The table was cool against her breasts. "Spread your legs Ma'am." said the cop. Katherine spread her long tanned thighs. She watched the policeman walk around her to a counter running along the wall. Her eyes got wider as she watched him put on a plastic glove and cover it with jelly. He disappeared from view behind her. Two of his long thin fingers touched her naked pussy and in one long slow motion, slid deep into her pussy. She reached up on her toes as he pushed deep into her. The fingers moved in and out slightly, further exciting the hot young woman. After twisting in and out a few times, the fingers slid out of her. Katherine thought the humiliating examination was over but there was more to come. The slippery fingers now touched her tinier more sensitive opening. "Oh no...", murmured Katherine as the same two fingers pushed into her hot anus. They slid deeper and deeper putting Katherine back on her toes as they twisted slowly. Katherine had never been able to resist being touched in her ass. The sensation had always seemed a 'naughty' thing. The rectal exam was, if anything, longer and slower as the fingers moved in and out of her tight opening. When they were finally withdrawn, Katherine was left gasping for air with her face beat-red. Knowing that her pussy juices were now flowing freely from the stimulation had her even more embarrassed. The cop gave her a short cotton shift to put on that was not unlike a hospital gown. Katherine was acutely aware of her nakedness as she was led from a side door into a regular jail cell. The cop returned to the waiting Kelly who was still outside the main door to the examining room. "Come in." said the cop. Nervously Kelly entered the room her mother had just vacated. "Remove all your clothes.", said the cop. This was too much. With the exception of the one time with her boyfriend Bobby, Kelly had never been seen naked by a man. Despite the cop's continuing request, Kelly would not remove her clothes. Without further ado, the strong young officer grabbed Kelly's wrists and pulled her over his knee as he sat in the chair. "You're going to learn to obey young lady." he said as he pulled her skirt right to her waist. Kelly's pantyless bottom was exposed to his view. The spanking was hard and hot and Kelly felt her bottom was on fire as he pulled her back onto her feet. Without further prompting Kelly removed her skirt and T-Shirt and bent over the table as directed. She blushed a deep red when instructed to spread her legs but did as she was told. When the policeman put on the plastic glove, Kelly shuddered but obediently remained in her exposed position. The long fingers slid into her tight teenage pussy sliding easily thanks to the juices of the already horny young girl. The fingers started a slow in and out movement and Kelly found herself rocking back and forth pressing harder and harder onto the fingers. She was almost sorry when they were pulled from her. The finger at the entrance to her bottom was completely unexpected, however. Kelly gasped as the slippery finger pressed against her puckered opening. "Oh!", gasped Kelly as the finger forced its way past her sphincter and into her hot rectum. Kelly had never experienced anything like this before. The feeling of the long finger working its way slowly into her, opening her up and holding her open was incredible. Kelly couldn't catch her breath as she found herself pushing back on the finger trying to pull more of it into her hot bottom. The long leisurely rectal exam lasted a couple of minutes and left Kelly panting and moaning by the time it was over. Kelly was dressed in the same cotton gown as her mother and brought to an adjoining cell. Her hands were handcuffed to the head of the bed. Despite her desperate situation, Kelly's hands pulled against the cuffs as she tried to reach her soaking pussy. The exam had left her hot and soaking wet and she was dying to bring herself relief. The morning was not long in coming and Kelly was nervous as she waited patiently for her court appearance. She had been awakened several times by the guards for 'inspections'. Each time they came in, she was terrified that she would be raped, but each time they seemed interested only in turning on her young body. She was stripped and held helpless, while the men examined her naked body. Each time, she was left hot, wet and very frustrated and each time, the embarrassment of the examination seemed to turn her on more. Now it was morning and she wondered what would happen next. The door to the cell opened quite suddenly and as Kelly moved into the corridor, she saw her mother, Katherine being brought from her cell also clothed in only the thin cotton shift. Kelly expected that they would be allowed to put on their own clothing before going into the courtroom next door but they were not. Acutely aware of her naked bottom showing in the open back of the gown, Kelly and Katherine were pulled into the next room to meet the judge. "Well, now.", he said upon seeing them, "You two ladies are in a fair amount of trouble. I've reviewed all the evidence and I'm prepared to sentence you. Is there anything you'd like to say on your own behalf before I do?" Katherine was shocked. "But, don't we even get a trial?", she asked. "Oh, but you did Missy.", said the judge. "You were found guilty as can be. OK then, as far as sentence goes, I can tell you that we have a particular method of punishing young ladies. So, your sentence is set at 1 year in jail or punishment at the bailiff's discretion." Katherine was pale. "What does that mean your honor?", she asked. The judge smiled. "That means that you and your pretty young daughter can spend a year in our fine jail or you'll be punished immediately as the sheriff sees fit. That'll probably mean that you won't be sitting to well for a while. You can have five minutes to make up your mind." Katherine and Kelly sat down in the little courtroom to discus their fate. "Are you ok?", asked Katherine. "Sure Mom." said her daughter. "What should we do?" "I don't think we have any choice to tell you the truth.", said Katherine. "I think we're going to have to choose being spanked. I certainly don't plan for us to spend the next year here in jail!" "Ok." said Kelly nervously. The two pretty women stood up and faced the judge. "We've decided." Katherine told him, "We'll accept the sheriff's punishment." The judge smiled again as the sheriff led the two of them out of the courtroom and into a separate room. In the center of the room was a vaulting horse just like you'd find in a high school gymnasium. The two women were pulled to the center of the room and their gowns were removed leaving them completely naked. "You first." said the sheriff pointing to Katherine. The two deputies took the older woman and brought her to the end of the vault. Her ankles were attached to the legs of the vault and spread wide apart. Leather cuffs were attached to her wrists and then pulled forward until she was stretched out along the leather vault, her breasts pressed into the cool leather. Kelly watched, fascinated from behind as all her mother's charms were revealed. She saw that, like her, her mother had been 'attended to' last night. The slick sheen of lubricant was evident between her shapely buttocks. The sheriff came forward and put an open jar of vaseline on Katherine's back. His long fingers dipped into the jar and then moved down to Katherine's tiny opening. As first one, then two fingers penetrated her, Katherine was unable to contain a moan as the fingers slid deep into her. Kelly watched as despite herself, her mother began thrusting her hips backward to get more of the fingers into her. Now the sheriff removed his fingers and then Kelly watched him take out a small object from his pocket. She didn't recognize it at first. It was made out of white plastic and was about 4 inches long. It was thin at one end then flared out to about an inch or an inch and a half wide in the middle then tapered in again to about a half inch wide before joining a "T" shaped end piece. As the sheriff placed the tapered end of the device to the puckered entrance of her mother's bottom, Kelly suddenly realized that once this object was inserted into the rectum, it would be firmly lodged there until the sheriff pulled it out. Kelly had never had anything in her bottom before she was examined there yesterday but the thought of this anal plug was very distracting. Kelly caught herself clenching her buttocks as she wondered what it would be like to have that inserted in her. The plug had now been inserted into Katherine and Kelly heard her moans of arousal as the sheriff toyed with it. Katherine was beside herself. She could not remember ever being so turned on. The plug in her ass was driving her crazy. Now she saw the sheriff reach for a paddle. Katherine heard the whoosh of the paddle as it swung down onto her bottom. The heat of the smack took her breath away. The next followed immediately after. The spanking was certainly not light but Katherine had frankly been prepared for worse. The heat from the paddle was burning her behind but was also travelling right through her body. In particular, her pussy was getting hotter and hotter. Katherine could feel her own juices trickling down her inner thighs. The spanking stopped long enough for the sheriff to play with her anal plug then started again. When next he stopped, Katherine was breathing hard. Her hips were squirming in constant motion from the sting of the paddle and the constant stimulation of her anus. One of the deputies knelt down behind her and Kelly watched as a small dildo was slid into her mother's soaking pussy. 'Are they going to do that to me?', she wondered. Katherine was beside herself. The sensation of finally having her pussy touched was incredible. She was so close to coming that she knew it would be soon. The paddling started again on her already hot and red bottom. Katherine's hips were in moving all over the leather vault as she pulled at her bonds. All of a sudden both the plug in her bottom and the plug in her pussy started to vibrate. With the paddle still descending, and this new sensation in her most intimate openings, it was too much. Katherine felt the orgasm starting from deep in her belly. She pulled frantically at the leather cuffs surrounding her wrists and ankles as she cried out. The orgasm came in wave after wave coming again as she clenched her anus down hard on the vibrating butt plug. Finally, it and her 'punishment' was over. Now it was Kelly's turn. Katherine was taken off of the vault and Kelly was led over. Her young teenage body had never been so turned on. Seeing her pretty mother punished and then brought to orgasm in the way that she was had been an incredible experience. Now she was being tied across the vault just as her mother had been. The leather was warm where Katherine had lain across it moments earlier and Kelly could feel her mother's juices at the end of the vault. Her legs were spread wide apart and fastened to the legs and then her pert young breasts were pressed into the warm leather as her wrists were attached far out in front of her. Kelly felt the jar of vaseline as it was placed on the small of her back and as the fingers sheriff's fingers touched her tiny anal opening, she tried in vain to clench her buttocks. First one then two fingers pressed firmly into her bottom as she was lubricated in preparation for the plug that would soon be placed there. Katherine watched, her plug still inside her although not now vibrating as her daughter was prepared for her punishment. Katherine had never seen her daughter exposed like this before and she could see her toes curl as the sheriff's fingers slid in and out of her tight bottom. Kelly's pussy juices were plainly evident and Katherine knew that Kelly would also be coming shortly. The spanking proceeded just like it had for the older woman and Katherine watched, fascinated, as the vibrating anal plug was inserted then turned on. The paddle descended upon Kelly's naked buttckes turning them a bright pink. Kelly's breathing got louder and louder and Katherine shuddered with excitement as Kelly pulled desperately at her bonds as she cried out during her orgasm. Exhausted, their bottoms sore, the two pretty women were given back their clothes and driven out to their car, still waiting by the side of the road. As the officer let them out of the police cruiser he tipped his hat to the two women. "Y'all enjoy the rest of your day." he chuckled and then drove off. As Katherine and Kelly got into their car, Katherine reached over and hugged Kelly to her. "Well, I'll say this.", she said, "I'm sure not going to be speeding in the near future." Kelly laughed and then gave her mother a strange look. "Oh, I don't know.", she said, "My bottom's sure sore. But I don't think I've ever been that turned on." "Me neither." Admitted Katherine as she wondered if this was only the beginning.